Visitor / Drop In Info 


Visitor/Drop-In Policy

You MUST have a current US Masters Swimming Membership and be able to show your card (copy or on your phone) to the Coach on deck.  


SFTL Masters is utilizing a workout sign up for each workout.  It is posted each Friday for the following week.  Please use the links to sign up for the workout you plan to attend.

SFTL Masters Workout Sign Up September 2 - 7:  Click Here

​​SFTL Masters Workout Sign Up September 9 - 14  Click Here

Please enter your USMS Registration Number and Club Name in "Comment Section"

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to workout to talk to coach regarding safety regulations and lane assignments
  • Once a workout has begun we can not allow non SFTL members to get in the water. 
    • (report any issues to

Note (Limitations):

  1. "Visitor / Drop Ins" swimmers are limited to:
    • One workout per day
    • Maximum of 6 workouts in a 7-calendar day period
  2. If you plan to swim additional workouts beyond one workout per day or more than 7 days, Normal SFTL Masters Fees will be implemented:
    • $75 Annual Fee 
    • $90 Per Month
      • Total: $165